
Wall Relief Projects

Create a relief sculpture that hangs on the wall that has the following attributes:
-This sculpture must be 2”X20”.  Dimensions may be manipulated, but it must be equal to this size
-You must construct this sculpture using recycled/found objects
-This sculpture must have a minimum of 3 levels of height with regard to relief
-This sculpture must be painted using a COMPLIMENTRY COLOR SCEME WITH TINTS AND SHADES
-The Sculpture must have a logical and sturdy mounting system so it can hang on the wall.

Find several recycled objects that interest you.  Make a sketch that shows how you will construct the sculpture and show it to me before you begin so I can help you with approach.  Power tolls can be used to cut materials after you have been cleared by me.  If you need help with tools or cutting materials talk to me!  Drywall screws and wood glue will be provided for this project, the rest is up to you.  Make sure and have an active dialogue about the project with me in an effort to make this your best project yet!