

Colorado Mesa University

Course name:  3-D Design                

Course number:          ARTS 102             Room: CMU 3-D Lab

Textbook:              None, assigned online readings will take the place of a textbook.

Course description:  The principals of form and function in 3-D design with an emphasis on color theory and use.  Two hours of lecture and two hours of studio practice per week.

This fine art course designed to give you a general introduction to the media, techniques, and history of 3-D design and the construction of 3-D models.  This course will give you hands on experience with basic sculptural art and create a deeper appreciation of the creative ceramic process and unlock YOUR own potential for innovative thinking.  

Instructor name:                        Jake Allee


Office number:                         Art Building 112

Office Hours:                             Listed on printed syllabus

Please contact me with any questions, comments or concerns you may have.  I welcome your input.

Course grade: 100 point scale 90 and above = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, 59 or below = F.  Grades will be determined from the average of  5 to 6 projects given throughout the semester. 

Methods of evaluation: Evaluation is based on your ability to demonstrate learned topics, terminology and aspects from the course through hands on projects, class participation and discussions.  Tests may be given at any time and will count as a full project grade.

Methods of instruction: Topics will be covered by a variety of demonstrations, presentations, lectures, and reading assignments from handouts geared towards student production of assigned projects.  Suggested books and internet websites, videos, class discussions and trips to media related sites will be used to reinforce instruction.

Some materials are provided, but student purchased materials will be needed for exploration of  ideas and different creative projects throughout the semester (example: basic tools for specific media, etc.).

Student Learning Objectives:

1.    Develop a working vocabulary of basic terms and processes associated with 3-dimensional design and maquett building.

2.    Learn Inherent qualities of several medias associated with model construction techniques

3.    Incorporation of basic design principals and expression of personal aesthetic through basic geometric and organic sculpture.

4.    Develop a basic knowledge of vocabulary associated with design as it applies to 3-D objects.

5.    Learn Technical, Conceptual, and Aesthetic concepts associated with 3-D objects and object construction.

6.    Documentation of personal hands on process through written explanation and photography geared towards personal artistic development in art.


Attendance: You are required to attend each class meeting and to stay for the duration of each class.  Most lectures, demonstrations and explanations of class projects will occur at the beginning of class periods and will not be repeated for students who arrive late.  A written test over the vocabulary covered in class may be presented at any time.  You must consult with me when an absence occurs.  Make-up assignments are given ONLY for excused absences and at the discretion of the instructor and must be turned in promptly.  Incomplete or late work will not be accepted.  Make-up tests will only be given with an excused absence.  I reserve the right to have make-up tests be all essay or practical demonstration.  People not registered in the course are not allowed to be in the classroom.  Absolutely no cell phone use, text messaging or otherwise disruptive behavior allowed during class.  Your full attention is required when the instructor is addressing the class. 

Withdrawals: If at any point you consider dropping the course please consult with me.  Alternative options or help may be available.  I will make every reasonable effort to assist you in completing this course within the parameters of the established class meeting times and my office hours.  Students wishing to drop should consult an academic advisor.  If you stop attending class after the CMU established last day to drop with a ‘W’, you will receive a performance grade most likely an ‘F’.    


All portfolios are due formatted as j-pegs and burnt to a compact disc.

All photos must be shot as demonstrated in class and all projects must be represented as prescribed by the final portfolio requirement list.

All photographs submitted in the portfolio must be photographed on the provided backdrop.

PORTFOLIOS ARE DUE BY THE DATE LISTED ON THE PRINTED SYLLABUS.   If the portfolio is not submitted on time, you will receive an “F” as a letter grade.  NO EXCEPTIONS!!!   


ADA Statement:

Please notify the instructor if you have a disability that requires accommodation. It is recommended you register with the Educational Access Services office (EAS) for Disability Accommodation.  Reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified students with disabilities.  The EAS office is located in Houston Hall Suite 108.  The telephone number is 248-1826. The Please meet with the instructor the first week of class to discuss accommodations for your educational needs.

Please get the name and phone number from at least one other person in class in an effort to communicate should you miss class.


1              Attendance is mandatory.  On the 4th absence your grade will be dropped one letter.  Every 3 late arrivals to class constitute one absence.

2              Grading is based on attendance/participation in the class and completion of required assignments. 

3              Attention to “housekeeping” and or cleaning of studio spaces

4              The class final will consist of your efforts during the prescribed clean up day.  Attendance is mandatory during the cleanup day as determined by the finals schedule.  If you do not attend and participate in the clean up day, you will receive an ‘F’ as a final grade.

Grading and Evaluation:

As a student enrolled in this course you must understand your performance and final grade are your responsibility.  No projects executed for other coursework will be accepted for this course. Please recognize the course objectives and comprehend the commitment the course will demand.  Address any questions or concerns to me promptly and be aware that all aesthetic grade decisions are at the instructors discretion.  No assignment will be accepted late. Final grades will be available only when the registrar posts them.  If at any point you are unsure of your progress or need to know what your course grade is consult with me immediately.  Concluding course grades are final and will not be reconsidered.  No Exceptions.