
Project 4

Inflatable Project
Problem: Create a free-standing, inflatable sculpture that incorporates the use of pressurized air and uses card board and plastic.  

Objective: To apply the basic principles of design for construction of a non-objective composition.  Create a form that occupies and redefines space that investigates the concepts of “mass” and volume”.  

Materials: plastic, cardboard, razor knife, duct tape,ruler/ straight edge


Take several photos of the space you are creating the sculpture for.
Make several sketches of possibilities four your piece and incorporate the specific attributes of your chosen space that your project will occupy.

Using the assemblage concepts you have learned previously in the class,the finished sculptures must have the following attributes:
-The composition must be made from plastic and cardboard all connections must be made by glue or tape.

-Your project must fit within a 6X4X4 foot space.  

-Your piece must include multiple forms made from cardboard and multiple forms made from plastic.

-Air must flow through the cardboard as well as the plastic.

-The form of your piece must include examples of the following elements:
Recessed space or negative space, use of corners, use of curves, and appendages.

-The piece must have a vent for the air to escape.

-Your piece must stand independently and hide the fan used to inflate it.

-The fan opening size is 4X8 inches

 Each student will have 5 minutes to inflate and present their project to the class.  You must take at least 5 photos of your project from different angles to be presented in the final portfolio at the time of presentation.

example by Jake Allee
Lisa Kribs
 A.J. Urbina
Amparo Ramos

Nicole Larose

Bethany King